7 recommendations to shape electoral reform in BC

Dec 15, 2017
The CCPA-BC sent the following submission to the BC Government’s How We Vote consultation, which requests feedback on key elements of the upcoming referendum on electoral reform. Written submissions are being accepted from now until February 28, 2018. You can feel free to quote or cite any of the following if you choose to submit comments… View Article

Study confirms what parents suspect: BC is one of Canada’s most expensive provinces for child care

Dec 13, 2017
A report released by our National Office this week confirms what many parents already know: BC is one of Canada’s most expensive provinces for child care, especially for younger age groups (infants and toddlers). Cities in the Greater Toronto and Metro Vancouver stand out as the most expensive places in the country to access child… View Article

Newly disclosed data shows need for inquiry into fracking

Dec 11, 2017
In May 2014, British Columbia’s then Minister of Natural Gas Development, Rich Coleman, came out swinging when a team of Canadian and American scientists issued a report saying that fossil fuel industry fracking operations could contaminate surface waters and groundwater sources. “The reality is we’ve been doing this for over 50 years, we’ve never had… View Article

Canada is still a rogue state on climate change

Dec 11, 2017
It has now been two years since world leaders created the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. At those meetings, the Canadian delegation joined a broad coalition aiming to keep “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above… View Article

Inclusive growth and the future of work: A recap of our 2017 Rosenbluth Lecture with Armine Yalnizyan

Dec 5, 2017
This year, the CCPA-BC’s annual Gideon Rosenbluth Memorial lecture featured one of Canada’s leading progressive economists, Armine Yalnizyan, who shared some insights on the changing world of work and the importance of achieving inclusive growth. Making growth inclusive has become a global policy priority backed, at least on paper, by international organizations like the OECD,… View Article

Housing crisis worse: Former UN special rapporteur Miloon Kothari revisits Vancouver

Dec 1, 2017
As the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing from 2000 to 2008, Miloon Kothari observed the failure of market-based approaches to addressing housing crises. His 2007 report on Canada called for “a national strategy [for the] large scale building of social housing, and much better tenant protection laws, coordinated strategy on… View Article

Where is BC headed on climate action?

Nov 30, 2017
Canadian politicians have a long-standing tradition of proclaiming targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then failing to meet them. After a wake-up call in the form of a record fire season this past summer, what are the prospects for climate leadership from BC’s new government? First, a look back November 29 marked ten years since… View Article

Rising housing costs in Vancouver: New evidence from the Census

Nov 27, 2017
Vancouver’s housing affordability crisis is full of jaw-dropping anecdotes about home prices and rents. But with almost a million households in Metro Vancouver, there are both winners and losers from the boom. A recent Statistics Canada release on housing affordability from the 2016 Census allows us to put some numbers to the crisis. Almost two-thirds… View Article

Sticker Shock: The impending cost of BC Hydro’s shift to private power developers – Ten years on

Nov 24, 2017
In April 2007, the BC government’s energy policy was rapidly transforming the province’s electricity system from publicly owned to one operated in the interests of private energy developers and multinational energy corporations. Sticker Shock was written to expose the enormous costs of the BC government’s private power agenda. It documented the fact that the BC… View Article

BC needs an opioid action plan: An open letter to the government of BC

Nov 21, 2017
CCPA-BC Director Seth Klein is a signatory to this open letter to the BC government calling for a provincial opioid action plan. The letter was coordinated by the Public Health Association of BC, a voluntary, non-profit, non-government, member-driven organization that provides leadership to promote health. Since April, 2016 when the epidemic of opioid overdose deaths… View Article

Big transportation investments needed now in Metro Vancouver: Budget 2018

Nov 20, 2017
In Metro Vancouver, as the region’s population has grown so has its congestion problems. Whether enduring a long wait to cross a bridge or get on a bus, everyone can relate to the additional time and stress caused by a transportation system under strain. Metro Vancouver is, for all intents and purposes, at “peak car”:… View Article

Challenges persist: Community-based mental health in BC

Nov 17, 2017
In 2006, I wrote the report, “Community Based Mental Health in BC: Changes to Income, Employment and Housing Supports” to explain policy changes that had occurred with a new government and to look at their impact on community-based mental health services. In 2001 the Liberals came into power in BC after ten years of an… View Article

Tackle inequality through tax fairness: BC Budget 2018

Nov 16, 2017
Over the past decade and a half, BC’s tax system has become remarkably unfair. CCPA analysis shows that personal tax changes between 2000 and 2016—including income, sales, property, carbon and Medical Services Plan (MSP) taxes—overwhelmingly benefited the wealthiest British Columbians. Households with income over $400,000—the richest 1 per cent—received a tax cut of $39,000 per… View Article

BC’s health care system can only get stronger with the right investments: Budget 2018

Nov 14, 2017
Provincial health spending as a share of our economy has been relatively steady in recent years, and is projected to fall from 7.8 per cent of GDP in 2009 to 7.4 per cent in 2019 according to the government’s September budget update. If, however, we want to tackle the opioid crisis, enhance seniors care, reduce… View Article

Drain it: Petronas subsidiary ordered to take action at two controversial fracking dams

Nov 10, 2017
The provincial government has ordered Progress Energy to drain virtually all of the water trapped behind two massive dams that the company built in violation of key provincial regulations. The company was told on October 31 to drain all but 10% of the water stored behind its Town and Lily dams near the Alaska Highway… View Article

Let’s strengthen public education in BC: Budget 2018

Nov 8, 2017
The BC government’s September budget update included significant new funding for K-12 education as expected in light of last year’s Supreme Court of Canada ruling. This was vital after years of chronic underfunding by the previous government. The new funding to restore class size and composition provisions illegally stripped from teachers’ contracts means that thousands… View Article

BC Budget 2018 should use progressive tax options to deliver on affordable housing promises

Nov 7, 2017
BC’s real estate boom has created winners and losers and has led to a growing housing affordability crisis with tremendous social and economic consequences. Metro Vancouver continues to have a massive housing affordability problem—in both home ownership and rental markets—that threatens to undermine the region’s long-term prosperity. Moreover, the 2017 Homeless Count revealed that homelessness… View Article

BC needs a full public inquiry into fracking

Nov 6, 2017
Last year, more natural gas was produced in British Columbia than at any point in the past 10 years. That may come as a surprise to some people who thought that growth in BC’s natural gas industry hinged on the emergence of a Liquefied Natural Gas sector. It does not. The reality is that even… View Article

The end of Site C? BC Utilities Commission finds “tension cracks” in BC Hydro’s case for the mega dam

Nov 3, 2017
The BC Utilities Commission final report on Site C is a bombshell. It now seems very likely we will see the termination of the BC Hydro mega-project by the end of the year. I had anticipated a final report that was more equivocal, which would result in a difficult decision for the BC government. But… View Article

The University of Victoria seeks to profit from climate change deniers and policy obstructionists: The Exxon connection

Nov 3, 2017
The school year is now well under way. For many new students starting at the University of Victoria, the university’s stated commitments to sustainability were likely attractive, especially for BC residents whose summers were haunted by relentless wildfires. Given the needed move towards low-carbon economies it makes excellent sense for students to select universities that… View Article