Seth Klein is a CCPA-BC research associate and the former CCPA-BC Director. His research deals primarily with welfare policy, poverty, inequality and economic security. A social activist for over 30 years and a former teacher, Seth holds a BA in international relations, a BEd from the University of Toronto and an MA in political science from Simon Fraser University.
Seth is an adjunct professor with Simon Fraser University’s Urban Studies program and the former BC director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. His book A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency is now available.
Seth is also a past co-chair of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition, an advisory board member for the Columbia Institute’s Centre for Civic Governance, and an advisor and instructor for Next Up, a leadership program for young people committed to social and environmental justice. Follow Seth on Twitter
Well, I’ve made it to the end of my week eating only what I could buy for $26. But eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven days is no damn fun. I can’t wait to eat something different and fresh. Did a final weigh-in this morning. I lost 4-5 lbs. this… View Article
I can see now that I’m going to make it to the end of this week (last year, a number of people who took the challenge didn’t make it). With my $26 I was able to purchase sufficient quantity, but not great nutrition. I’ve had no fresh or leafy green veggies, and only one kind… View Article
Fascinating to see all the comments on these blog posts. I want to highlight Dale’s comments in response to my Day 3 post in particular. Some may read these posts and point out that people with a recognized disability (those with PWD status in our welfare system) receive marginally more on welfare (a single person… View Article
It is very boring eating the same food every day – oatmeal, peanut butter sandwich, an apple, soup or pasta. No treats, no variety. My other observation is that living on this budget means you think about food all the time – When can I next eat? How will I make this last? Where will… View Article
Day 2, and I’ve already bent the rules. The battle against the cold is no going well, so I’m taking some cold medicine and drinking tea (which was not in my budget). Otherwise, still on the plan. For dinner last night I had some of the large soup I made in preparation (it’s actually pretty… View Article
Today is Day 1 of my welfare food challenge, during which I will spend one week trying to eat on a total budget of $26. You can read more about the Welfare Food Challenge here. I’ve been researching and writing about welfare policy since the late 1990s (including a major 2008 study entitled Living on… View Article
Statistics Canada has released Incomes in Canada for 2011, with the latest poverty rates. You can find it here. And the numbers for BC are grim indeed, painting a very different picture from the rosy one the government likes to present. First Call has put out a news release detailing some of the latest child… View Article
As I write, it has been just a few days since the provincial election. As was the case for most of you, the result was unexpected. We are still processing what it means for our work and rethinking some of our research plans. For those of us who engage in deep thinking about policy ideas,… View Article
As many readers of this blog will know, back in February the CCPA (with the assistance of a number of our partners in the Climate Justice Project) published an Open Letter to the BC political parties calling on them to recommit to BC’s legislated greenhouse gas reduction targets, and to table plans for how to… View Article
The CCPA is a founding member of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition (PRC), which for over four years now has been advancing the call for a comprehensive BC poverty reduction plan. Its Open Letter calling on the BC government to adopt a legislated plan has been signed by hundreds of organizations. The PRC has now… View Article