May 6, 2013

Final election fact sheet: Enhancing social support for seniors living in BC


We have completed the last of our series of three fact sheets on seniors issues in preparation for the upcoming election!

This fact sheet highlights the importance of communities that are inclusive and accessible to people of all ages and abilities.  And, while it is important for seniors to “age in place,” they must also be able to leave their homes, carry out daily activities, engage in their community and visit friends and family. Supportive services that prevent isolation are a key determinant of seniors’ quali­ty of life, health and independence.

We provide some recommendations to government and accompanying questions to centre the conversation on ensure our elders age with dignity, retain their independence as long as possible, and access public and community spaces as easily as the rest of the population.  Our recommendations highlight the value of  health care integration, transportation tailored to the needs of seniors, and non-medical home support, as well as a call for government to invest in community based organizations that provide social gathering spaces (like seniors centres and neighborhood houses).

The fact sheet is available for download here – please share far and wide, take to your all candidates meetings, and create a thoughtful and informed debate with seniors at the centre!

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