Environment, resources & sustainability

Faking climate action: BC’s misleading forest gambit

Apr 3, 2017
In its August 2016 climate plan update—and subsequent advertising campaign—the BC government put forests front and centre. While this may sound positive, it is really a sleight of hand by a province seeking to shirk its responsibility to reduce fossil fuel emissions. The BC government claims (without providing any evidence) that its vaguely defined forest… View Article

The Great Log Export Drain: BC government pursues elusive LNG dreams as more than 3,600 forest industry jobs lost to raw log exports

First of Two Parts Its members include the most powerful players in the province’s forest industry, companies that do the vast majority of all logging on British Columbia’s coast. Its website boasts of “innovative, high-tech” companies whose workers turn out “a growing array of forest and wood products.” But in truth, members of the Coast Forest… View Article

BC’s natural gas giveaway: Production soars, revenues plummet

Feb 9, 2017
Not long ago, BC received huge annual royalty revenues from its growing natural gas sector. The revenues were often billed as paying for essential public services like health care and education, and were appealing politically as they meant governments did not have to raise taxes to do so. The provincial government claimed that new production… View Article

Canada cannot have it both ways on climate and fossil fuel expansion

Jan 25, 2017
With great fanfare and a claim that “Canada is back,” Prime Minister Trudeau helped usher in the Paris Agreement on climate change in December 2015. Since then, however, the federal government has pushed to expand fossil fuel production through new bitumen pipelines and LNG terminals. This contradiction points to a loophole in the Paris Agreement,… View Article

When LNG plants get a special deal on Hydro rates, who pays?

Dec 20, 2016
It’s always telling to see who in our province is able to win special treatment from the BC government. The BC Utilities Commission is currently reviewing residential BC Hydro rates, something they do periodically. As part of that process, the BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC), on behalf of numerous organizations representing low-income British Columbians… View Article